Every recipe in my kitchen, have a history, I believe this give flavor to food and make every dish delicious...
This is my first recipe in english I hope you enjoy...
I remember this cake when I was in university, I study in one city 100 miles far for my family house, I not visit my family with frequencies, since I have class on saturday, and live of student is not so easy, no much money...
I remember in one time I went to my fathers house, and my mother, gold hands for cooking and baking, waiting for me with this cake, when I started to eat, she so perfectionist said, this cake today is not good, is not so soft as usual, I´m very hungry, and start eat....
When I start eat, flavor are amazing, for me is the best carrots cake that my mother bake at today, she never make other cake like this.
During my dating period with my wife today, I talked regarding that I like carrots cake, but not like so soft. My wife start research, and find this recipe with your grandmother, and now this is a official carrots cake that we baking in our kitchen...
1 Cup of milk
1 Cup of oil
1 1/2 Cup of granulated sugar
2 Cup of all purpose flour
2 Cup of cooked carrots
4 Eggs
1 Tablespoon of baking powder
Beat together the oil, milk, sugar,eggs and cooked carrots with a hand blender or blender as soon as everything is evenly moistened, and until cooked carrots very smooth.
Add flour and whisk with a fue together the smoothie till obtains homogeneous texture.
Add baking powder until evenly distributed
Add to 9" x 13" cake pan or 11" round cake pan previous grease.
Bake in oven preheat to 380°F during 30 to 40 minutes.
After baked, add chocolate syrup or candy melts melted.
I too use a chocolate cream/sauce home made or "brigadeiro", I will prepare a recipe and post here.
Here I used Brazilian "Brigadeiro" and candy melts white melted to make lines.
Hands-on time:
20 minutes
PS: English is my second language, I´m try to improve every day, if you have some suggestion and tip for this or other post, is a pleasure recipe your comments, send me an e-mail to paulojool@gmail.com, with subject Blog - English grammar, I will be very happy to learn and fix in my blog....